U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Washington, D.C. 20210
Reply to the attention of:

October 23, 2023
Lee Martin
Director, DWPP
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave, NW, RM N-4618
Washington, DC, 20210
Re: CPL-04-05-2307
Dear Mr. Martin:
Region 10 will be joining the Region 5 State Plan Referral Pilot (CPL-04-05-2307) for the states of Alaska and Oregon. The effective date for both states will be November 1st, 2023 and will expire with the originating pilot on October, 29, 2024.
Like Region 5, Region 10’s Regional Supervisory Investigator will be the main point of contact and will be implementing the pilot. No Bargaining Unit Employees will be involved so the referral pilot will not need to be bargained with the union. Region 10 will also follow all procedures outlined in CPL-04-05-2307 including the evaluation at the end of the pilot.
Regional Administrator
OSHA Region 10